Sunday, October 12, 2008


Ok Readers! At the age of sixteen, I fell in love with this great guy. Now! I am twenty two years old and I am still in love with him. We have been dating on and off for about five years and we are currently not together. When I left for South Africa, I had no ties to him. It has been two months. Guess What? I still love him.

When you go through hard times, you turn to the people that know you best. In my case, he does know me best because of him being my best friend. So, I wrote him a letter. The following are exerts from the letter I wrote him:


“No matter where I go or who I meet, I always think of you. I believe it is because you know me best and that is comforting to me.

Speaking of where I go, I am in South Africa. Upon my arrival to South Africa, I am waking up on a plane, South African Airways. As I am slowly arising from my sleep, I am realizing my dream coming true of being a part of an international professional dance company. I am actually here and it has taking 22 years and a 3 day plane ride.

Even if my dream has come true, I am immediately starting to work on my outside life in South Africa to support my dream. As I do this, I live by one quote: “If all people had a diary to release their frustrations, maybe the world will be at peace now.” Just like always, I am writing in my diary as a form of therapy for myself.

WHAT I AM GETTING AT? When I arrived in South Africa, I had a warm welcome. Then, I moved around to another household. To make a long story short, the person I was staying with invaded my privacy and read my diary that I always kept under private. In a sad situation, this person had read my personal diary entries that just hurt their feelings. Well…things happen for a reason and with no harsh feelings. I just moved out because it was just my time to go. On a happy note, I had taken a lot of valuable lessons from my time there. I did learn how to wash dishes and fold my clothes properly. Also, I learned that the color white should be put as bedding so no one will think that you’re dirty. If you think about it, these are valuable lessons.

Back to my journey, I moved out without an idea of where I was going. I just knew I had a strong spirit to guide me. Quickly, I thought and called my cousin in this town called Pretoria. It was about 40 minutes away from where I dance. Speaking of dance….

I am here on impulse because the Artistic Director of the company believed in me. In other words, I am faced with preparing my outside life from the dance company pretty much on my own. Do not get me wrong: I was aware of this before my arrival to South Africa. I just did not know how hard; it was going to be. Trust, it is hard.

What is hard?

-My cousin did so much for me but I did not expect her to drive me 40 minutes to the dance company. So, I had to figure out the public transportation system in South Africa. THAT WAS NOT EASY.

-TO STOP A TAXI: you have to know the hand signals or they will just wave back at you with a smile.

- IF YOU GET ON THE WRONG TAXI, just expect to walk the rest of the way. Yea! I had to walk 5 miles one time.

- IT HELPS TO KNOW THE LANGUAGE. Some taxi drivers will just frustrated with you and you will not get where going.

- Helpful Tips: just write your designation on a piece of paper and always sit in front with the taxi driver.

- HOWEVER, sitting in front does have its benefits but the consequences are that you have to count ALL the passengers money. On top of that, you have to give out the correct change and sometimes there is no change to give.

- Guess What? If this happens, you will get yelled at.

- HOW TO AVOID THIS: You just have to get lost enough times and you will finally figure out where you’re going. Yea! The only way to avoid this is to know where you’re going. After you know where you’re going, it becomes like routine and eventually my taxi rides were adventures. It actually had become more like FUN.

Going by taxi, it was getting too expensive so I just stayed with one of my cousin’s friend that lived closer to the dance company. I stayed with her until I left to my tour in Mozambique. In other words, I lived like a gipsy from house to house. I never wanted to unpack because I was looking for a vacation apartment lease for a year.

I must admit. I miss my family and friends at home and especially you. It is my first time in my life when I do not have security from people that have been there all my life. Now, I find myself just relying on me. Let me just say: It is a huge growing experience

My original permit is a temporary residences permit for 3 months because I initially wanted to test the waters first. Now, I am deciding to stay for a full year and I find it hard to find out exactly the best way to do this. On top of that, it will take some money and I just do not have much money right now.

Trying to explain to everyone back home, I am not on vacation. This means: I have not seen the great sites of South Africa; I have not been to great restaurants; and I have not gone out. I am more worried about living life. This means: I am finding a place to live; I am budgeting my money so I can eat; I am dancing and marketing; I am trying to find the right gym for me; and I am trying to make new friends here so I will not be completely bored. Most importantly, I am getting used to living in a city and not the small town that I come from. I AM LIVING THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAY NOT VACATIONING. Literally, I am stepping my feet in some else’s shoes and my eyes are wide open.

I am here in South Africa for this one time and I believe that this is my time to think, read, and write. This will be great to have my own internet. However, the wireless internet here is like 1,000 Rans (Rans are South African money).

I am on my self discovering days but I see clearly that it is going to work out. My faith is getting stronger but I am still figuring out things. So, I just continue to read the Bible.

No mater what, I know I will always be connected to you even if I do not understand some of your decisions. Then, I thought through out our relationship. I should have told you my feelings when I was thinking it. So, here it is. I Love You and always will. Can you handle that? “
So, Hello Readers! In the beginning, I told you these are only exerts from my love letter and I know you’re wondering if I ever sent it. No, I did not and do not worry he does not have internet. Even more so, he does not know I have a blog. So, keep on reading and I will keep on writing my letters from South Africa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elsie I love you! I miss you but I know this is very special to you therefore it is to me as well! As for the love letter, you should send it...if it is the person i thinking of then send it! I know you love him and he loves you...boys are stupid thats all! But keep your head up and stay strong! See you when you get home! stay safe....shanna